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Highly Indy's Monthly Playlist for January 2019

Natalie Peña

January 29th, 2019


The first playlist for 2019 has arrived!

This month’s playlist really isn’t influenced by anything, and it also isn’t organized in any particular order –– just some songs that I’ve been listening to a lot this month.

As always, if you have any songs you’d like featured on this playlist, DM them to me at @nataliiepena or email them to me at

Below the playlist is the copy-and-pasteable link to listen to it through Spotify.

Happy listening!


Fine, Great - Modern Baseball

No Good - Knuckle Puck

Ride - The Vines

High and Dry - Radiohead

Your Guardian Angel - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

Take Me Dancing - Sløtface

Chump - Green Day

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